Wings and Wishes head completes 25 big walks for cancer

Inge Human, left, Manager at Wings and Wishes this year walked with Johann Groenewald back, Anchen Groenewald, centre, and Lizette Van Dalen.
GQEBERHA – It is her love and compassion for people who are fighting cancer that inspires Inge Human, Manager of charity organisation, Wings and Wishes, to participate in every Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer over the past 25 years.
The Gqeberha based social worker said she spent her entire career working for non-profit organisations (NPOs), and she understands the financial constraints. However, to her the Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer is more than just a fundraiser. “The five-kilometre walk is such an emotional journey and a true celebration of life. You see the thousands of people, everyone with their own personal story. Some are celebrating victory over cancer; others walk in memory of someone that courageously fought the battle and will never be forgotten. The Big Walk shows them, you are not alone!” she said.
Wings and Wishes is one of the beneficiaries of the 2023 Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer, alongside Reach for a Dream. Human explained that Wings and Wishes was established out of a real need to get children from the Eastern Cape to the paediatric oncology unit at Red Cross Hospital in Cape Town. “At that time there was no oncology unit in the Eastern Cape and children travelled to Red Cross Hospital for treatment,” said Human.
She said children who are affected with life-threatening illnesses travelling from rural areas are often at a disadvantage due to limited access to treatment. “The biggest challenge is that the Eastern Cape is extremely rural across a vast province with expert medical care for children requiring oncology, only available at Frere Hospital in East London or PE Provincial Hospital in Gqeberha,” said Human.
However, the services of Wings and Wishes are not limited to the Eastern Cape. The organisation provides transport support to children across all nine provinces.
It is Human’s journey with Wings and Wishes that motivates her to celebrate life every day and participating in charity events is one such blessing. “I realise how blessed I am and that I have nothing to complain about. This encourages me to always be kind, as you never know the battles others are fighting and your kind word or smile might just be the motivation they need to keep going on,” said Human.
The Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer donation to Wings and Wishes will ensure that the organisation can continue booking flights or bus tickets for children and their caregivers. They also receive a snack pack and toiletries for the journey.
Meanwhile the support to Reach for a Dream includes the purchase of laptops and tablets which will provide dreamers the opportunity to connect with their families while in hospital, do research as well as complete school assignments, learn, and develop as they will resultantly have access to the world.
The Algoa FM Big Walk for Cancer donation facility is still open on the radio station’s website. Donations will be channelled to the beneficiaries.
Author: Gishma Johnson 083 455 7616